April 29, 2024
Portland, OR


领导 is not about authority or title; it’s a dynamic set of behaviors, practices and tools that inspire others, encourage collaboration, and allow sound decision making. 在这个快节奏、不断变化、要求苛刻的行业,领导力是成功的关键. 每个人都可以具备这些特质,成为一个鼓舞人心、富有同情心和受人尊敬的领导者.

Through case studies, activities and shared best practices, this one-day, 高度互动的领导能力工作坊将帮助航空维修专业人员建立信心,并检验和提高他们的领导能力,以改善沟通和团队合作, influence others and foster a culture of safety and service.

This course covers NBAA PDP leadership objective L3.